It’s not about how long your list is, it’s about what you do with it

It has been far too long since my last post here–and it took nothing less than a double longlist nomination for the Best Novel Hugo Award and the Astounding Award for Best New Writer to get me to stop being a lazy so-and-so and start posting here again!

I’ll never say it enough: a huge, huge thanks to all the folks who nominated The Rude Eye of Rebellion for Best Novel and myself for Best New Writer (I’m looking at you Codexians!).

And call it a resolution or whatever you will, but I’ve decided to start a new, regular feature here at the Lawless blog: Words Are Cool!

Starting real soon ™, Words Are Cool will be regular, hopefully bi-weekly blog feature where we do a bit of a deep dive into the hidden roots and meanings that make some of the words we use, and sometimes take for granted, extremely badass.

And yes, before y’all ask, some of these may be lifted or expanded versions of some of etymology footnotes in Always Greener and Rude Eye. Because awesome words don’t grow on trees, dagnabbit!

(they grow on phyla)

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